Jingang Zhao

PhD 1992 (Yale)


Faculty Member in Economics

Recent Publications: 

  1. “A Reexamination of the Coase Theorem”, Journal of Mechanism and Institution Design 3 (2018), 111-132;

  2. “TU Oligopoly Games and Industrial Cooperation”, chapter 14 in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization (2018), 392–422, Corchón and Marini (ed.). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar;

  3. "Three Little-known and yet still Significant Contributions of Lloyd Shapley", Games and Economic Behavior 108 (2018), 592–599;

  4. "An Open Problem on Inverse Matrices from Industrial Organization, and a Partial Solution”, Linear Algebra and its Applications 437 (2012), 294–306.


Activity at CCFD

Lecture: What is Nash Equilibrium: Rethinking 70 Years Later