李金艳(Jinyan Li)李金艳教授曾任加拿大约克大学奥斯古德法学院代理院长,担任国际货币基金组织、经合组织、加拿大审计长和加拿大司法部的法律顾问。 李教授曾在西安大略大学任教,并曾在清华法学院,洛约拉法学院(LA)和苏州大学担任客座教授。
Jinyan Li is Professor of Tax Law and former Interim Dean of Osgoode Hall Law School, York University. She is currently the co-director of the LLM Tax program and adjunct faculty at the Faculty of Law, the University of Sydney. She previously taught at the faculty of law, Western University, was a visiting professor at several law schools, including Tsinghua Law School and Loyola Law School (LA), and a visiting scholar at Harvard Law School.
She is currently on the Advisory Board of BRITACOM (Belt and Road Initiative Tax Administration Cooperation Mechanism). She has recently served on the Panel of Experts advising the Minister of Finance, Canada on reviewing tax expenditures and a member of the advisory committee to the Minister of National Revenue on the taxation of e-commerce. She has also been a consultant to the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Auditor General of Canada, and the Department of Justice of Canada.
Professor Li received a 2017 Lifetime Contribution Award from the Canadian Tax Foundation, was recognized as a 2017 Research Leader at York University, and received an Academic Excellence Award from the Canadian Association of Law Teachers, Teaching Awards from Osgoode, as well as a D.J. Sherbaniuk Distinguished Writing Award. She has been a speaker at conferences organized by the Canadian Tax Foundation, the International Fiscal Association (IFA) and academic institutions.
Professor Li has recently co-edited a book commemorating the centennial of the Income War Tax Act in Canada. She has authored and co-authored over a dozen books, including International Taxation in the Age of Electronic Commerce: A Comparative Study, Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law, International Taxation in Canada and International Taxation in China: A Contextualized Analysis. She is the co-author of the China chapter on Transfer Pricing on IBFD Tax Research Platform and chapter 3 (Capital Gains) of the Global Tax Treaty Commentaries on IBFD Tax Research Platform. In February 2019, she organized an international conference on re-imagining tax policy for the 21st century.
Graduate Research Supervision (LLM, PhD): Professor Li is interested in supervising projects in the area of taxation law.
英文主页链接 https://www.osgoode.yorku.ca/faculty-and-staff/li-jinyan/
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